About Bart Van Bossuyt

Bart Van Bossuyt

Geography and sciences teacher with a keen interest in visualization

Who I am

I hold a master's degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a master's degree in Sciences: geology, both obtained at Ghent University (BE).

After eight years managing several pharmacies, I was ready for a new challenge: teaching high school. By a quirk of fate, in 2004 I ended up with my visionary mentor Adrien Van den Bossche (at Don Boscocollege Zwijnaarde), who by then was already creating digital worksheets for his students.

When Flash animations were no longer available, I started creating interactive content myself in html5. After all these years I still like teaching a lot. Changing career was one of the wisest moves I ever made.

Feel free to contact me at my gmail address: bartvanbossuyt (you have to add the rest yourself) or on LinkedIn.

Example image

Enquiry based digital learning

Enquiry based digital learning is complementary to traditional learning and field or lab experiments. It can be a powerful tool to help students understand 3D relationships or reduce the complexity by making use of proper interactive visualisation.

The tools I develop are intuive, can be used on either tablet, ChromeBook or laptop and require thinking and action by the students. They are in no way mere gimmicks.

Workshops, awards and press

ICT Champion award

SETT award 'digital learning'